As we began looking in earnest for a new facility, several issues dictated our choices: 1. we needed more sanctuary space and more youth ed space, 2. we needed to reduce our monthly operating costs, 3. we needed to do this without a whole lot of cash on hand, and 4. we needed to find space within a reasonable" distance from our present location. When moving a church location, the commute to the new location means that some congregants are going to have a longer commute, so finding a new location close to the old location minimizes the disruption in attendance.
Over the last seven+ years we've been interested in property that we could grow into, not that we expected to be able to jump on the purchase but to just keep informed of what was out there and what would be needed at the point when renting space as no longer our best option.
So when we started looking in earnest in January, this particuar property satisfied our several needs -- it was reasonably priced, not too far from our present location, and doubled our santuary space and youth ed space. Two down sides: it was definitely a "fixer-upper" and it was located "off the beaten path." The location issue was a much bigger issue when I first saw the property than it was after the church growth workshop a dozen of us attended on Feb 23 & 24 (more on that later).
The only little matter was the issue of cash available to swing the deal. It turns out that the price of the property, our existing cost of rental and the availability of an investor that is a "friend of the church" has addressed that issue for this particular property (more on that later).
So we are "in the running" for the purchase of the property. We have placed an offer, the seller has countered the offer, and we have countered the counter. We are waiting to hear the sller's response. Perhaps later today.
Jesus had something to say about this. "Not my will, but Thy will, be done." From the Heart of God, we give thanks.
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